Posted in Writing

Where did February go?

I know that February is a short month, but this year it seems to have flown by.  Life is gradually getting back to normal now we seem to be on top of this current strain of Covid, although, as I discovered when I went to the hairdresser recently, we still need to wear face masks there.  Not a problem as being a hoarder who keeps everything in my bag I still have one squirrelled away there. Going into pubs and restaurants and not having to scan the QR code or wear a mask was something we could only dream of last year.  Now it feels so good to be finally getting back to some semblance of normality.

In contrast to January, February has been a wet and windy month, with Dudley, Eunice and Franklin each taking turns to use the UK as a punch bag, bringing with them rain and record high winds. Our road got off quite lightly – a couple of fences down, a few roof tiles, and in our case, the loss of a TV aerial.  These dark, grey days make me think more and more about the summer months  – warm weather, barbeques, relaxing in the garden with wine and trips to the coast.  This year we are spending our holidays in the UK with staycations in Suffolk, the North West (Lake District and Yorkshire Dales) and, of course, Cornwall.  In between there’s an opportunity for days out and, of course, there are our daily walks, which began when I was discharged from hospital in March 2020. 

I’ve never been a regular walker. Maybe if we had owned a dog there would have been an incentive to pull on boots and get out into the fresh air. However, after major surgery and five days in hospital, I knew I needed to do something to get myself  back to a decent level of health and fitness.  Although keyhole surgery was a godsend and helped the recovery process, I was still weak and for the first couple of days simply ate, read or watched TV.  My post op diet in hospital consisted mainly of pasta and rice pudding as they attempted to coax my digestive system back to normal. On on third day home, I knew it was time to stop being a couch potato and do something positive. Living on a hill gave me a challenge before I had even got out of the front door. On that first attempt, by the time I got to the top of the road I felt as if I had run a marathon. But the gauntlet had been thrown down and if there’s anything I love, it’s a challenge. The next day I managed another two or three hundred yards. Each day after that, I extended the walk, and a fortnight later could managed a substantial around the block walk. Spring 2020 brought with it some really good weather which saw me and my OH out every day, making the most of the wonderful open countryside which is only five minutes walk from home.   

Currently we walk an hour each day, usually in the late afternoon, although I find mornings are less disruptive. If I can get out at, say 10.30, then prepare lunch, it gives me the whole of the afternoon to write.  And, of course, each walk gives me time to think about where I am with my WIP and how best to move on from where I finished the day before.  The current book, which is in two parts – set between six years ago and present day – is nudging 50,000 words and I have four more scenes before I reach the end of part one. I’m hoping part two will take me through to mid-April and then I’ll slip on my editing hat and the fun begins!



And finally, my book reads for February. I’ve given all of these four stars and I’ve posted reviews on Goodreads and Amazon.

So that’s all for now. See you in March, which is a month usually associated with the little chap below.

Best wishes,
